how much does a general contractor make

General contractors play a crucial role in construction projects, but have you ever wondered how much they make? In this article, we will explore the earnings of general contractors in the United States, including their average salary, factors that influence their earnings, and their earning potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • The average salary for a general contractor in the United States is $71,825 per year.
  • Factors that influence salary include location, project scale and complexity, and the local economy.
  • Specialized roles in construction services, like plumbers and electricians, generally have lower average salaries but fewer management responsibilities.
  • Construction project managers working on large commercial projects earn an average of $93,370 per year.
  • Salary progression for general contractors depends on experience, reputation, and winning contracts.
  • The job growth outlook for general contractors is projected to be 11% by 2026.

Average Income for General Contractors

The average income of a general contractor in the United States varies based on several factors. On average, general contractors earn around $71,825 per year, with salaries ranging from $45,000 to $134,000. These figures are influenced by various elements, such as location, the scale and complexity of projects, and the local economy.

Location plays a significant role in determining a general contractor’s earnings. The cost of living and demand for construction in different regions can significantly impact salaries. For example, general contractors working in metropolitan areas with a high demand for construction tend to earn higher salaries compared to those in rural areas.

The scale and complexity of projects also affect the income potential for general contractors. Large-scale projects that require extensive management and coordination often offer higher salaries. Additionally, projects with unique requirements or advanced technicalities may result in increased compensation due to the specialized skills and knowledge needed.

Role Average Annual Salary
General Contractor $71,825
Plumber $55,160
Electrician $56,180
Construction Project Manager $93,370

When compared to specialized roles in construction services, such as plumbers and electricians, general contractors earn higher average salaries. However, these specialized roles typically have fewer management responsibilities. On the other hand, construction project managers, who oversee large commercial projects, earn an average annual income of $93,370. They are responsible for coordinating the entire construction process and ensuring successful project completion.

Salary progression for general contractors is influenced by experience, reputation, and their ability to secure contracts. As contractors gain more experience and establish a solid reputation within the industry, they are more likely to win higher-paying projects and negotiate better compensation. Additionally, networking and building strong relationships with clients and industry professionals can contribute to higher earnings.

Job Growth Outlook

The job growth outlook for general contractors is projected to be 11% by 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This growth is driven by the increasing demand for infrastructure projects and the need for skilled professionals to manage construction activities. General contractors who stay up to date with industry trends and technologies may have even greater opportunities for career advancement and higher earning potential.

Factors Influencing Salary

Several factors can significantly impact the salary of a general contractor. One of the key factors is the location of the projects they work on. General contractors who operate in areas with high demand for construction services, such as thriving metropolitan areas or regions experiencing rapid urbanization, tend to earn higher salaries. On the other hand, those working in areas with less construction activity or in rural settings may have lower earning potential.

The scale and complexity of projects also play a role in determining a general contractor’s salary. Managing large-scale projects that involve multiple subcontractors, complex regulations, and intricate design requirements can often command higher salaries. General contractors with the expertise to handle these complex projects are typically in high demand and can negotiate higher wages.

Another important factor is the local economy. Economic conditions can impact the availability of construction projects and the budget allocated for them. When the local economy experiences a downturn, construction projects may become scarce, leading to lower demand for general contractors and potentially lower salaries. Conversely, a booming local economy with increased construction activity can drive up wages for general contractors.

It’s worth noting that a general contractor’s wage can also vary based on the specific pay scale of the company they work for. Some companies may have higher salary structures for their general contractors, while others may offer more competitive benefits packages. Negotiating skills and experience can also impact a general contractor’s earning potential.

Factors Influencing Salary Average Salary Range
Location $45,000 – $134,000
Scale and Complexity of Projects Varies, higher for complex projects
Local Economy Impacts availability and budgets
Contractor Wage and Pay Scale Varies based on company and negotiation

“The salary of a general contractor can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, project scale, and the state of the local economy.” – Industry Expert

When considering salary progression, a general contractor’s experience, reputation, and ability to win contracts can be crucial. Contractors who have successfully completed a diverse range of projects and have a solid track record in delivering quality results are likely to command higher salaries as their expertise and reputation grow. Winning more contracts and securing larger projects can also lead to salary progression and increased earning potential.

In terms of job growth outlook, general contractors can expect a positive outlook. The construction industry is projected to have an 11% growth rate by 2026, indicating a steady demand for general contractors. This growth is fueled by factors such as population growth, urban development, and the need for infrastructure improvements.

In conclusion, the salary of a general contractor is influenced by various factors including location, project scale and complexity, local economic conditions, contractor wage structures, and individual negotiation skills. As the construction industry continues to grow, general contractors can expect favorable job prospects and the potential for higher earnings in the future.

Earning Potential and Job Growth Outlook

General contractors have the potential to earn a substantial income and experience growth in their careers. In the United States, the average salary for a general contractor is approximately $71,825 per year, with a salary range between $45,000 and $134,000. This figure can vary depending on factors such as location, the scale and complexity of projects, and the local economy.

Compared to specialized roles in construction services, general contractors typically earn higher average salaries due to their management responsibilities. For example, plumbers and electricians, who are skilled tradespeople within the construction industry, have lower average salaries. However, general contractors can expect to earn more as they oversee multiple aspects of construction projects.

If we consider construction project managers, who work on large commercial projects, their average annual salary is around $93,370. These professionals handle various responsibilities, including organizing and coordinating project teams, managing budgets, and ensuring project completion within specified timelines.

It is important to note that salary progression for general contractors depends on factors such as experience, reputation, and the ability to win contracts. As contractors gain more experience and establish themselves in the industry, their earning potential increases. Building a strong reputation for delivering high-quality work and completing projects on time and within budget can also contribute to higher income.

Looking ahead, the job growth outlook for general contractors is promising. With a projected growth rate of 11% by 2026, the demand for skilled professionals in the construction industry is expected to continue to rise. This growth is driven by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and the need for infrastructure development. General contractors who stay updated with industry trends and adapt to changing technologies will be well-positioned to take advantage of these opportunities for career advancement and increased earning potential.

Role Average Annual Salary
General Contractor $71,825
Construction Project Manager $93,370


Understanding the earnings of general contractors is essential for those considering a career in the construction industry. General contractors, also known as building managers, play a crucial role in overseeing construction projects and ensuring their successful completion. With an average salary of $71,825 per year and a salary range from $45,000 to $134,000, general contractors have the potential to earn a rewarding income.

Several factors influence the salary of a general contractor. Location is a significant determinant, as contractors in high-demand areas or regions with a robust construction industry tend to earn higher wages. The scale and complexity of projects can also impact earnings, with larger and more intricate projects often offering greater compensation. Additionally, the local economy plays a role in determining contractor wages, as economic conditions can affect the availability and profitability of construction projects.

When comparing general contractor salaries to specialized roles in construction services, it is important to consider the level of responsibility and management involved. While specialized trades such as plumbers and electricians may have lower average salaries, they typically have fewer management responsibilities than general contractors. In contrast, construction project managers, who oversee large commercial projects, earn an average of $93,370 per year.

The earning potential and job growth outlook for general contractors are promising. With a projected job growth of 11% by 2026, the demand for skilled general contractors is expected to continue increasing. Salary progression for general contractors depends on factors such as experience, reputation, and the ability to secure contracts. As contractors gain more experience and establish a strong professional network, they can command higher salaries and take on more lucrative projects.


How much does a general contractor make?

The average salary for a general contractor in the United States is around $71,825 per year.

What factors influence a general contractor’s salary?

Factors that influence salary include location, the scale and complexity of projects, and the local economy.

How does the salary of a general contractor compare to specialized roles in construction services?

Specialized roles in construction services, such as plumbers and electricians, have lower average salaries but fewer management responsibilities.

What is the average income of construction project managers?

Construction project managers, who work on large commercial projects, earn an average of $93,370 per year.

How does salary progression for general contractors work?

Salary progression for general contractors depends on experience, reputation, and winning contracts.

What is the job growth outlook for general contractors?

The job growth outlook for general contractors is projected to be 11% by 2026.

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